Chemists Likely Found A Way To Make Opioids Less Addictive

Opioid Addiction and Treatment

Summary: Opioid addiction is a significant health threat. However, not all opioids are equally addictive. It means that making changes to the chemical structures of existing opioids may make them less addictive. Researchers think that they have found a way to do so. It appears that introducing the fluorine atom to various opioids may make […]

Fentanyl-laced marijuana believed to have caused 39 Connecticut overdoses


Summary: Connecticut legalized recreational marijuana in June 2021; by October, there were 39 reports of overdose. However, doctors now believe that fentanyl-laced marijuana caused these cases of acute toxicity. Although doctors could demonstrate fentanyl-laced marijuana in just one case, they know that fentanyl-laced drugs are pretty common. Moreover, the history of patients shows that 30 […]